2024 Class
Projects made possible in part from generous grants from Gilead, Volkswagen, Precourt Institute for Energy, Renewell, Kyaro Assistive Technology, Woods Institute for the Environment, Rain, Haas Center for Public Service, Making Materials at Stanford, Boeing and Autodesk. Thank you for your support!
Summary of the year
This year we have 64 students participating in 16 projects in theme areas of energy, transportation, sustainability and health. We have projects enhancing wheelchair use and design for children in Tanzania; improving thermal comfort for people living in hot climates in place of air conditioning; both wearable and hand-held injector solutions for delivery of high-viscosity medicines; systems to reduce generation of black carbon in brick kilns in Bangladesh; sensor system and ski binding to prevent ACL tears while skiing; developing a child carrier providing postural support for children with Cerebral Palsy in Tanzania; steering wheel solution for autonomous cars; fencing system integrated with industrial-scale irrigation system to enable rotational grazing for chickens; system to enable improved delivery of fire suppressant to aid in wildfire fighting; solutions to enhance grid-scale Gravity Well energy storage system for power and use life.
Final Project reviews
Final Presentations for the 2023-2024 year will be held on Tu March 12 and Th March 14, from 1:30-4:30 with a reception afterwards on both days.
Day 1 Presentations
Date: Tuesday March 12
Location: Tresidder Oak Lounge, 2nd floor
Parking: Adjacent to Tresidder, here. You will need to use the ParkMobile App to pay, see here for further information.
Zoom: will be available. Contact Jeff Wood for information
Times: Presentations 1:30-4:30, Reception afterward. Individual project schedule is below, please feel free to attend as many or as few as you like.
Day 2 Presentations
Date: Thursday March 14
Location: Tresidder Oak Lounge, 2nd floor
Parking: Adjacent to Tresidder, here. You will need to use the ParkMobile App to pay, see here for further information.
Zoom: will be available. Contact Jeff Wood for information
Times: Presentations 1:30-4:30, Reception afterward. Individual project schedule is below, please feel free to attend as many or as few as you like.