2020 Class

Projects made possible in part from generous grants from the Precourt Institute for Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Gilead, Amazon, School of Medicine Otoinnovation Lab, Woods Institute for the Environment, TomKat Center, Haas Center for Public Service and Boeing.  Thank you for your support!

Summary of the year

In the third year of the course, 51 students participated in 13 projects in theme areas of energy, sustainability and health.  We had projects coming in from Precourt Institute, Woods Institute, Stanford School of Medicine, Gilead, Amazon, Silicon Valley Clean Energy.  Students explored areas of improving farming practices in India, improving air quality in Bangladesh resulting from coal combustion, developing solutions to enhance clean energy solutions in the home, while introducing medical projects investigating medicinal, physical therapy and diagnostic solutions for patients.  

The end of the course year was disrupted by the COVID pandemic, resulting in the class pivoting to online final presentations. That also meant we were unable to hold a class photo, so the individual team photos are included below - Enjoy!

The 2020 Class

Our projects

Brick and Morty

Reducing generation of Black Carbon in brick kilns in Bangladesh

Provided by Stanford Woods Institute

Hot Box

Measuring Food quality in the supply chain for farmers in India

Provided by Stanford Precourt Institute

Spice Girls

Improve rainwater capture and optimize irrigation for growhouses in India

Provided by Stanford Precourt Institute


Develop system to enable compliant recycling of envelope packaging

Provided by Amazon


Improve access for people with arthritis to easily operate stovetops as well as prevent home fires

Provided by Amazon

Injector Gadget

Develop system to inject high viscosity medicines quickly, minimizing pain

Provided by Gilead


Address home energy use related to "Duck Curve" - reduced power draw oven

Provided by Silicon Valley Clean Energy


Recapture and reuse of excess heat captured from Solar PV panels

Provided by Silicon Valley Clean Energy

Team PowerHouse

Develop modular renewable energy microgrid for use in rural communities

Provided by Stanford and NatureGrid


Help improve walking gait for children with Cerebral Palsy - develop system to detect walking gait

Provided by Stanford School of Medicine - Gait and Motion Lab


Help improve walking gait for children with Cerebral Palsy - developing a wearable system to enable muscular stimulation

Provided by Stanford School of Medicine - Gait and Motion Lab


Non-surgical treatment of Otitis Media with Effusion in children

Provided by Stanford School of Medicine - Otoinnovation Lab


Improve diagnosis of vertigo by tracking eye movements

Provided by Stanford School of Medicine - Otoinnovation Lab

Final Project Reviews

Final design reviews for the 2020 projects were held on March 10 and March 12 over zoom.

Day 1 Presentations

Day 2 Presentations