chicken pot Pie

Project undertaken in course year 2018-2019 with Pie Ranch Organic Farm

Project Goal

Develop an enclosure that keeps poultry in a specified area, keeps predators out, and can be easily moved in order to reduce labor time

Project Motivation

Raising poultry this way is more humane compared to conventional factory farming methods and results in chickens that are healthier and fields that are naturally fertilized.


Chickens and coop on pasture at Pie Ranch

High Priority Requirements

Ethical Considerations


We have developed an enclosure system consisting of poultry fencing stretched between two parallel chicken coops. The weights in the elevator shafts maintain tension in the top line of the fence as the length varies during coop movement. The tractor operator can then advance each coop in under 15 minutes to move the enclosure to a new section of land.

System view

Final design that has fencing spanning between the coops.  Each coop is towed one at a time, moving the fence

Coops moving

View from the top, shows position of the coops as they are being moved, and how the cable length needs to increase

Chicken Coops

These coops are where the chickens reside. Due to their size, they need to be towed

Fence support structure

The fence is an electrified net hanging from the cable system. Tension is maintained in the cable by hanging weights at either end.  This ensures the net is adequately suspended while the coops are being moved

Model of Frame

CAD model of the weight and shaft attached to the coop frame

Weight system

Hardware connecting weights to the cable

Stress analysis

FEA of wood structure to ensure it could withstand loads from weights

Weight in hardware

Weight suspended in the shaft connected to the chicken coop (weight is low)

Weight in hardware when moved

Weight suspended in the shaft connected to the chicken coop, when one coop moved, weight is raised

Cable Test Setup

Test setup to measure deflection (droop) of cable vs tension.  Distance between the red lines denote the deflection of the cable

Other testing conducted

Student team

Future Work